Wednesday, March 6, 2013

From my daughter......

               My #2 daughter informed my wife this morning that kids in her school think that I am “bad mouthing” North Fayette. North Fayette is a fine school, but when I compare it to Valley, which I am able to do because I have kids in both schools, I can honestly say that I prefer Valley. One of the things that I prefer about Valley over North Fayette is its size. To me, smaller is better. You must remember, I choose to live in Wadena, one of the smallest towns in this area. I like smaller towns, and smaller schools. I’ve had my belly full of being around big towns (Cedar Rapids) and I moved to this area specifically so I could raise my family in a small community, and have them attend a small school. I view WGS as a threat to my ability to have my children attend a small school.
               It wouldn’t matter to me which school Valley chose to WGS with. I would oppose them all as I am opposed to WGS no matter what. WGS is a tool that is used to consolidate schools. I think I’ve proven that on this website as I have cited many instances where other school administrators have gone so far as to admit as much. We were told that WGS was put in place to expand educational opportunity when the real reason was to prepare both schools for consolidation. I find the process entirely dishonest, and it has been my plan to expose the truth about WGS. You don’t have to take my word for it. Read those articles that I have linked to in the section called Whole Grade Sharing leads to Consolidation.
               As far as complaining about how North Fayette buses their kids around, I stand by that statement. I have never seen a school so content to bus kids all over the county. Don’t get mad at me because I see no benefit of a child spending up to 2 hours per day or more on a bus. I don’t use the school as a babysitter. I like having my kids home if they aren’t in school, not riding around in a bus.
               I also like having all of my children under one roof. No matter whom Valley would have Whole Grade Shared with, I would have lost that. By taking my kids to Starmont, I will once again have all of my children under one roof. It’s too bad that I can’t get that at Valley (NFV) any longer.
                I do not want to have my children attend a large school. I like the personal attention that comes along with a smaller school. I have experience with larger schools. It’s not for me. Some will like the new larger feel to North Fayette Valley. I for one, will not be a part of it. That is why I am now forced to send my kids to Starmont if I wish for them to continue their education with the same level of personal attention that they currently receive.
               WGS is the new reality. It is my hope that we can put a stop to this process before we end up consolidated. However, if the people of both North Fayette and Valley choose to continue down this path, knowing full well that it will lead to consolidation, and accept everything that comes along with it, then I accept that. I will strongly disagree though.
               I am probably one of Valley’s biggest supporters. I want to see Valley remain an independent school. I want to do everything possible to see it remain one of the best small schools in the state of Iowa. I want to see jobs remain at Valley. I want to see our school building remain open, and properly maintained. I want to see Clermont and Elgin benefit from having the school there between the towns. Think of the economic benefit the school provides to those communities. I want our school district to keep local control, so that our tax dollars stay here at Valley. You don’t do those things by entering into a Whole Grade Sharing agreement, knowing full well that it will eventually close your school.
               The proponents of WGS are either ignorant as to what their plan will bring, or they truly feel there is no other choice other than set Valley on course towards eventual closure. When I say there won’t be a Valley to hurt, I mean it. By Whole Grade Sharing, we are guaranteeing that our school will eventually be closed. I can’t stand that. It would be different if we were truly in trouble, but we weren’t!
               Before you start thinking that I’m “bad mouthing” anyone or anything, take the time to actually read through everything here. Really take a look at the section where I show all of those instances where Whole Grade Sharing leads to consolidation. Is this really what you want? While I understand the students not caring as much because of their youth, for those of us parents and taxpayers, it’s really a big deal. Many of these kids will grow up, move on, and eventually decide to not live around here. Sadly, that is the truth about today's rural America. You certainly aren’t going to teach these kids to find the value of living and raising their families in our small rural communities when you keep teaching them that bigger is always better. 


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