Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 18th Board Meeting and thoughts about it.

               It’s been a few days now, but the board met on February 18th. There was a lot going on in that meeting, but KinDee said that the peanut gallery only had about 5 to 10 people in it again. Is it any wonder they feel like they can do whatever they want? Such apathy! As was expected, they denied allowing Central or Starmont’s buses into the district. They provided a list of children who were open enrolling out. I noticed about 10 kids open enrolling out to North Fayette. Some of them were elementary kids. I wonder how they are going to handle that? Will they allow those children to ride the bus? Is it okay to allow kids to ride the bus to attend elementary in North Fayette, but not the other schools? When those elementary kids leave for North Fayette, they’re taking money away from Valley just the same as those of us going to Starmont, Postville, or Central. I would sure like an answer on that.

               The name of the school will be North Fayette Valley. They couldn’t wait to start using the new name. If this really was just about using Whole Grade Sharing for a couple of years to get us over a budget crisis, then they wouldn’t change the name, would they? Tim Orr had a good idea on the phone, but KinDee didn’t hear him bring it up at the meeting. Tim suggested to me that Valley ought to keep its name, colors, and mascot and North could do the same. But, this isn’t just about getting us over a budget crisis, is it? It’s about eventual consolidation. Whole Grade Sharing is meant to get people used to the idea of sharing and its purpose is to ease the process of consolidation. We’re back at the boiling the frog scenario. This is why they are so hell bent for leather about getting this new name out there and using it. This is why they keep telling us that we need to think like we’re one school. They’re like a bunch of snake charmers. They’re trying to mesmerize us and get us to fall asleep so we don’t complain while we watch our school dissolve.

               They tried to push through North Fayette colors. That’s one area that some of the board members balked at. Funny how our board members are more worried about school colors than they are about keeping our school. What the hell does it matter at this point? We gave ourselves away to North Fayette. We’re the bride, they’re the groom. We better get used to our new position. They’re bigger than us. They’re higher in the food chain. We gleefully capitulated to them. How can we complain at this point? What the hell did our board expect? We're getting what we asked for whether those board members know it or not.

               I know they decided to have a meeting on the 19th with the North board members. I haven’t heard what they decided on. Again, does it really matter? It’s not going to be Valley red and blue, is it?

               Yes, we have some challenges ahead of us. There were a lot of people angry over this. Where have they been lately? We won’t get our school back by staying silent. If nobody is at those board meetings, they’ll keep on doing whatever they want to without worry.

               KinDee saw the packet that the board members get. In it, Cathy Molumby lays out the agenda for the night. In it, she makes her recommendations, for or against, and lays out her arguments. You can tell by the tone of what she writes whether or not she thinks something is a good thing or not. KinDee watched the board do everything Cathy recommended, without a second thought. The only dissent came from Tim Orr. We’re in deep trouble if we don’t change things.

               It’s only going to get worse. Cathy may be on her way out, but her contemporary is on his way in. It’s not official, but they’re pushing very hard for North Fayette’s superintendent, Duane Willhite, to become ours. The board wants to share him. Why would we think that another school district's superintendent would have our best interest at heart when it's in the best interest of that school to consolidate with us? If a superintendent has such pull, it would be in our best interest to hire one who is independent of this entire situation. Think of using a lawyer. Would you want to share the same lawyer with someone you are trying to hammer out an agreement with? You want one who will represent you and your best interests. We need the same here. Duane Willhite pushed for WGS and he knows it will lead to consolidation. Hiring him to represent us is like putting the fox in the henhouse.

               I still think this whole plan was hatched out by Duane and Cathy over a year ago. I cannot prove it, but the process had to start somewhere. Somebody had to come up with the initial idea to pursue this. Nobody seems to want to take credit for it though. I guess we're all supposed to believe that it just came out of thin air. Everything is just too “convenient” in how it all played out. To tell you the truth, if North Fayette hadn’t lost their junior high building next to the courthouse, I don’t think we’d be in this mess. North needed us far more than they are letting on. They needed our building. The students are a plus, and the best part is this – once consolidation comes – their tax base becomes one of the largest in this part of the state. Think of all the land they will be able to tax! This new district will be huge! It’ll be bigger than New Hampton’s! Yes, this whole thing is very insidious.

               No, Duane Willhite certainly is not in the best interest of Valley. His best interest will be for North Fayette and seeing this eventual consolidation through. North Fayette will benefit nearly 100% by the eventual consolidation. The buildings will be in West Union. The jobs will be in West Union. Everything will eventually be in West Union. All we’ll be left with is a crumbling school between Clermont and Elgin, and a whole lot of debt and regret. But by then, it’ll be too late. They'll have gotten everything that they wanted, and we'll have exactly what our apathy deserves - nothing.

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