Friday, February 22, 2013

Powder Puff Blue

            It appears that the colors were decided on for the new school. If you listen to Al Knox, Duane Willhite, Mark Howard, and Cathy Molumby – we’re still the same school. Funny how if we’re the same school that the colors, name, fight song, and many other aspects have changed. Are you sure we’re still the same school?

            Anyhow, I’m being sarcastic. The colors chosen for the new school are Black, Columbia Blue, and Silver. I didn’t know what Columbia Blue was. It also says that Columbia Blue is Pantone Columbia Blue 3 (Pantone 292). I looked it up. I can describe it much better for you. It is powder puff blue. It’s close to the color that the UIU Peacocks use. You can see the color if you click on this link; CLICK HERE.

            They’re looking for a new logo. When I think of a TigerHawk, I think of the Iowa Hawkeye TigerHawk that graces the sides of the football helmets. I know some schools in Iowa also use this logo, although they probably have special permission to do so. Hayden Fry designed that TigerHawk. I’m not being a smartass, but it’ll be interesting to see what people come up with. I remember at North Linn when they added the tufts to the ears of the Lynx. That didn’t go over well! I see they have the tufts now, but the logo looks much better than the one they presented in high school. I do sincerely hope that they two schools come up with a neat logo. I’ll still fondly remember our Valley Tiger, and fight to bring it back by trying to bring our school back.

            You can read about the contest by clicking this link; CLICK HERE.



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